new / unrestored
- Assortment cpl.
- Chests of drawers / chiffoniere
- Individual pieces / mirrors / paintings
- Lamps / Chandeliers
- Miniatures / caskets
- Seating furniture
- Tables / side tables
- Showcases / cupboards
- Miscellaneous / Collectibles
- Unrestored
- Sold
- Aufarbeitung
Our newly acquired pieces in unrestored / partially unrestored condition
Louis Philippe seating group in solid mahogany around 1870
Louis Philippe seating group in solid mahogany around 1870
Louis Philippe / Late Biedermeier secretary, around 1870–1880, solid mahogany
Louis Philippe / Late Biedermeier secretary, around 1870–1880, solid mahogany
Large extendable dining table, England around 1880-1900
Large extendable dining table, England around 1880-1900
Empire armchair with dolphin heads in mahogany
Sold Out
Empire armchair with dolphin heads in mahogany
Biedermeier cherry chest of drawers half column
Save €600*
Biedermeier cherry chest of drawers half column